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How to treat sunspots and pigmentation

Sunspots and pigmentation are very common conditions which appear on the skin due to excessive sun exposure. The face, hands, arms, neck and shoulders are the most exposed areas to all weather conditions, leaving them prone to further damage. Red heads or fair skins are most prone to sun damage as they tend to burn much easier. Sunspots are similar to […]

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Our Favourite Dermalogica Solar Products

Dermalogica’s skin treatment systems are each designed to address a specific set of concerns which will help you achieve your best skin ever. Not sure where to start? Never used Dermalogica? At Beauty Haven we have Dermalogica trained skincare therapists who can guide you using the face mapping skin analysis. This is the ultimate way to diagnose your skin’s needs and create a personalised […]

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Top Ten Skincare Tips For Teens

Now the exams are over it is time to take care of yourself again! Summer is here and what better time to show off a healthy glowing skin to be proud of. A little extra work and thought going into looking after your skin with a good regime will pay off. We all would like to […]

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Reflexology in Pregnancy

‘A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty’ – Reflexology during pregnancy is recommended after the first trimeaster. After the initial excitement of hearing the wonderful news of your pregnancy, this could be the time to organise a health regime for yourself throughout your pregnancy. To help you relax […]

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Male Hair Removal

These days increasingly more men are becoming aware of their personal image with regards to body hair. At some point most men have dabbled in hair removal, nobody wants to have excessive hair but be warned looking good isn’t always easy and painless. In addition to shaving, there are various options for consideration such as waxing, […]

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Boost your Beauty with Laser Therapy

Beauty is only skin deep, but some facial imperfections, like blemishes, suns spots, redness and thread veins can’t be removed with an ordinary facial. As a bride, bridesmaid or mother of the bride/groom, you want to be looking your very best for that special day out. The latest in skin technology can have you looking […]

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