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Get smooth for summer

Get smooth for summer

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As we enter spring, and with summer just around the corner, it’s time to ‘Get Smooth for Summer!’ Learn why you should be considering laser hair removal over other treatments like waxing and shaving to get your body summer-ready.

The benefits of laser hair removal

Hair removal is a time consuming daily routine for many people, I thought myself to be fortunate to have escaped virtually unscathed  with minimal time spent on the arduous task of hair removal until one day when I  was sitting in the back of the car between child and dog only to be informed by my middle child  “oh  mummy,  you have hair ALL over your face, mummy you actually have a beard!!”

Wonderful….. there’s another area of my body that obviously needs a lot more attention and there was me kidding myself by thinking, sure no one can really see it!

Laser hair removal is a great method for removing unwanted body and facial hair without the burns, nicks and redness of shaving and waxing.

The traditional methods of hair removal such as waxing, tweezing and shaving are yes, effective for removing the hair, but they don’t provide any long term solutions for hair removal – never mind all those bumps, nicks and painful ingrown hairs!

Thankfully over a decade ago, technology advancement led to the creation of a hair removal system that not only eliminated these annoying problems, but also provided a long term reduction solution, and here we are 10 years on and laser hair removal is one of the fastest growing methods of ridding the unwanted hair growth.

The great appeal of laser hair removal stems from its effectiveness, efficiency and convenience and it can be performed virtually anywhere on the body where you find that unwanted hair.

Another massive factor for laser’s popularity is that laser hair removal doesn’t just temporarily remove the hair, it results in permanent hair reduction – up to 50-95%reduction.

Laser hair removal over other techniques has many advantages.

Here I have listed the top 5 reasons why you may want to consider this treatment for yourself….

1  –  Treatments are quick

Laser hair removal treatments are quicker than you might expect, for example, it only takes 20 minutes to perform a treatment on the underarms and Brazilian area.

2  –  You will save money in the long run

The upfront cost can seem pretty hefty in relation to what its for, and what your priorities are. As a woman with children it is always mentally difficult to place our needs and desires anywhere near the top of the pile and therefore without us shouting out or demanding, things keep getting placed on the backburner.

Yet with laser hair removal resulting in permanent hair reduction, you no longer need to purchase endless razors, shaving creams, depilatory creams or the need to have monthly waxing appointments.

Lets face it those monthly waxing appointments add up and honestly, I find waxing real testing on my pain threshold. I need to be mentally prepared with pain relief consumed 30 minutes prior only to embrace it, and see hair sprouting back after 10 days. To then allow for the hair to grow back again (hiding of legs AGAIN, no swimming with the children etc….) to go through the same process a month later and a month later, WHY???

Now considering all that in value of money and my added mental distress, its certainly not for the faint hearted. Not only does the cost of waxing mount up, the desired effect of being hair free is short lived, the levels of pain are not greatly reduced in time, not much winning or gaining is being had in my department, whereas the results with laser are far superior to waxing and the cost over time, is much less.

3  –  Prevent and eliminate ingrown hairs

Of course, I myself was blessed with what the beauty industry refers to as “Gemini Hair” basically two hairs growing out of the same hair follicle, and boy it creates double pain when waxing is your choice of hair removal.

Another reason why I suffered so badly from ingrown hairs, whilst one hair was successful in being removed by the wax, the remaining hair from the same follicle was left to peacefully grow under the skins surface resulting in a painful red, inflamed pustule.

Although one concern was being eliminated, being hair free, the other concern resulted in angry pustules sporting ingrown hairs, certainly not the look I was hoping to achieve, not to mention they are sore!

With laser hair removal I have to say, it is simply the best option when wanting to eliminate and prevent ingrown hairs. It is also a great option for those who have sensitive skin and experience skin irritation from traditional methods such as shaving and waxing.

4  –  You will save time

Definitely, I know during those winter months and my body is basically covered up head to toe in layers upon layers, I still feel compelled to shave my legs on a daily basis. Of course I am aware that no-one is going to be exposed to see them or the spider legs from my under garments, but mentally I know they would be there if I didn’t shave daily. Add that up over a life time and just think how many weeks you spend with a razor in your hand.

5  –  No need to hide between treatments

Unlike with waxing, where you are banned from shaving between treatments, laser treatments you are allowed. Say goodbye to the days of having to grow your hair out. The advantages of having laser treatments are you can shave as much as you like between sessions.

With shaving it cuts the hair at the skins surface therefore it doesn’t disturb the hair follicle, unlike waxing were the hair is removed by the root.

The benefits of laser versus other forms of hair removal are abundantly clear especially when the cost of laser treatments are decreasing, I certainly feel less of a need to deliberate the pros and cons of the solution in my head.

To book your FREE consultation and patch test call us on +44 (0)28 9066 6628 and don’t forget to keep an eye on our website for our monthly special offers.

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