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Face Facts

Face Facts

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Are you ready to harness the summer season with a philosophy to really look after your skin?

Remember your endeavours now will play an invaluable part in your appearance in years to come!

We can help.

Have you ever thought of a complex cellular ‘city’ – skin is the bodies largest organ, performing important functions – it protects us from an invasion of foreign substances, allows the release of toxins, provides an image of our health and wellbeing to the outside world!

We look after our homes, our cars, what about ourselves?

Our skin needs a good deep cleansing, it needs cell stimulation, exfoliation and rehydration.

All these factors will rejuvenate the skin. Are you treating it well? To look radiant, glowing and youthful become a devotee of a good routine,use good products and spoil yourself with a facial treatment. Ideally you should have one every 4-6 weeks as that is how long it takes the skin to regenerate. If you can’t commit to that try 4 times a year, the start of each season is a good idea. A facial can have both cosmetic and therapeutic benefits -relax and be content knowing you are doing the best for your skin.

To help you get started we would recommend a face mapping consultation. Your skin will be analysed using our skin scanner and the correct range of treatments and products can be recommended to you.

We charge £12 for face mapping – this is redeemable against a treatment or product.

Call Beauty Haven for an appointment or further advice.

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