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The importance of Beauty Sleep

The importance of Beauty Sleep

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Hands up who gets 8 hours sleep a night? I wish !!! Hectic lifestyles, struggling to be super mum, being efficient at work, keeping on top of the housework, the list goes on. The skin can appear dull and lacklustre as the seasons change and lack of sleep will take its toll on the complexion. We only have so many hours in the day and struggling to switch off can take its toll on the skin as well as the body.

During the night as we sleep we don’t need to worry about the skin coming into contact with everyday pollutants, dirt and grime, the skin gets a well deserved rest and this is the prefect time to replenish with serums and moisturisers to help boost the complexion. The skins protective barrier is lowered as we sleep which allows products to penetrate more efficiently. A recent study found that poor sleep is associated with greater intrinsic ageing, greater trans-epidermal water loss and a lower barrier repair ( published in clinical and experimental dermatology).

When we sleep, the skin makes more collagen, skin hydration is improved due to an increase in cell turnover and blood flow. Overnight skin care is a great opportunity to keep skin in optimum  health. The difference in day vs night skincare products is simple, day creams are designed to protect the skin against environmental factors and night creams are designed to replenish and regenerate the skin. You can really feel the textural difference between day and night products. Don’t be afraid to ask for samples so that you can try before you buy.

Look out for products that contain peptides which will help boost the production of collagen and assist in skin renewal.  Environs Alpha Hydroxy Night Cream is specially formulated with medium concentrations of lactic and glycolic acid, these AHA’s assist with natural exfoliation and will help improve textural problems associated with dehydration. Products containing Vitamin A also have many benefits such as normalising sebum secretion, locking in moisture and improving the skins immunity.

We all want that softer, smoother complexion, whilst skincare is a major factor in assisting with this, lifestyle choices are equally important.  Consider decreasing your ‘screen time’ in the evenings, try to unwind before bed, read a book, have a bath, perhaps meditation is for you!!  Whatever  option you decide on, getting a good quality sleep will not only improve your mood and productivity but your skin will look brighter and healthier.

For information regarding any of the products mentioned or our range of professional facials please feel free to contact us.

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