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Facial hair removal techniques

Facial hair removal techniques

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There are various methods of removing facial hair, it really is an individual choice of which technique suits you best. Whether it be the time, cost or the effectiveness of the treatment involved, we are going to talk you through a number of options and the pros and cons for each one.

Tweezing: One of the first methods the majority of women will try to do to control hair growth as it can be done in the comfort of your own home. Choosing the correct set of tweezers is important as there are a number of alternative shapes to the actual end of the tweezers. Again it is down to preference, the tips at the end of the tweezer are either pointy, slanted, or straight. The more pointy the tip the less likely to remove more hairs than necessary. I have two sets of tweezers, the slanted tip as this allows me to rest one side of the tip on my brow and pull easily in the direction of the hair. Straight ended tip I use for those random hairs on my chin. There are also different shaped barrels to the tweezer, even ones that are ergonomically designed. The down side to tweezing is over plucking the eyebrows and uneven shaped brows. There is also the chance of ingrown hairs if hair is not removed correctly. The results are instant but short term as the hairs tend to grow back very quickly.

Shaving: The most popular and possibly preferred method used by men, this is a quick and relatively easy way of removing hair from the chin and neck area. Unfortunately it is a task that men will undertake every day, if not twice a day especially when the dark shadow starts to appear. Constant shaving can leave the skin sensitive and prone to skin irritation and usually needs to be carried out regularly.

Depilitory creams: Do not require visits to the salon and are simple to use. The cream is spread on the area required and left for the time specified on the product, then removed with water and/or cotton pads. Regrowth is fairly quick, within 1-3 days. Skin may react to the chemicals.

Facial Trimmers: Designed to remove baby fine hair on upper lip, chin and sides of face. Some trimmers have added snap-on combs to deal with eyebrows. Reasonably priced. Worth checking out reviews before purchase.

Waxing Hot & Warm wax: There are home waxing kits on the market which many people will have tried at some point. I would strongly recommend visiting a salon and allow the professionals to wax your face. They have the experience and knowledge to achieve the correct shaping of your eyebrow that suits your face shape. There are two types of wax, Hot or Warm wax. The warm wax is heated at a cooler setting than the Hot wax. The warm wax is applied to the skin and removed with a wax strip. The Hot wax is applied to the skin and left to harden, then peeled off. The results are long lasting and will give a smoother finish to the skin, particularly nice when applying makeup. However the downtime is 24 hours after waxing, the skin needs to cool down, no makeup as this may clog the pores and cause breakouts. No heated treatments as in sauna, exercise, hot baths or showers for 24 hours post treatment.

Threading: Ideal if you are allergic to wax, find waxing too painful or suffer from ingrown hairs. Very effective at removing individual hairs. No need for creams or wax, therefore kinder to skin. Best performed by a skilled threading specialist. There is a coil threader available to purchase online. Again, worth checking out reviews before buying.

Electrolysis: A more permanent form of hair removal and very effective. The in-between treatment dates become further apart as treatment progresses. An affordable form of treatment. A slight reddening of the skin or localized swelling may occur, but soon recovers.

Laser: A permanent reduction which removes unwanted facial hair. A course is recommended of 6 session and the results are permanent if you follow through with all treatments. Can be pricey, but worth the investment in yourself. Potential maintenance sessions may be required but these are few and far between.

Whichever method of facial hair removal you require, we at Beauty Haven can advise the best solution to your hair growth concerns. Book in for a consultation and let one of our qualified skincare therapists see to your needs.

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