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Electrolysis – How it Feels

Electrolysis – How it Feels

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The first time I went into a beauty salon was in my early 20’s for a leg wax, I was going on holiday and thought I would try waxing my legs instead of shaving. I had been putting this off for a number of years as the whole concept of going into a beauty salon filled me with embarrassment and dread. I don’t know why I had this misconception and felt the experience would be daunting. I quickly learned its not a scary place to be and all the therapists I have visited around the world have all been very professional. What started with a leg wax progressed to bikini and underarm, all giving me smooth silky skin. Then there was the treat months when I booked in for manicure, pedicure and my favourite treatment full body massage . As time progressed I started to notice facial hair seemingly  appearing overnight. I was distraught, I couldn’t believe how much hair appeared and how dark it was, I was totally embarrassed and felt everyone was looking at me. I tried the waxing at first on my neck and chin but suffered with ingrown hairs and became sensitive to the wax. A beauty therapist recommended Electrolysis as the way forward and I booked a course.

The first appointment was a bit nerve wrecking as I didn’t know what to expect. I had done no research on the subject but I knew my therapist well and trusted her to guide me through the treatment. She was a true professional, we had a consultation, asking if any medical conditions had changed from the last time I had visited the salon. She then advised me step by step how the treatment would proceed. By the time I lay down on the couch I was pretty relaxed and eager for the treatment to commence, sounds crazy as she was about to stick a needle in me.  I must admit at first when the needle was inserted into my skin I thought I was not going to be able to suffer this well, but within a few minutes I got used to the sensation. I continued electrolysis for a year and I was hair free. Electrolysis does require multiple sessions to achieve results and the amount of sessions does differ from person to person and which particular area being worked on. Treatment times vary from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. An electric current is passed down a very fine needle into the hair follicle to destroy the hair’s root. Electrolysis has the best overall results compared to most other forms of getting rid of hair permanently. It can treat many different types of hair, unlike laser which works best on dark hair only.

Lots of people are concerned about the pain factor and everyone has their own pain threshold. I would compare it to a slight pricking sensation. If you find it too uncomfortable, your doctor may be able to give you a topical anesthetic or you can buy over the counter at the pharmacist.

Costs for electrolysis at Beauty Haven start at £12 for 10 minutes or less, progressing to £15 for 15 minutes, £20 for 20 minutes and £25 for 30 minutes.

There may be some hair growth between treatments, but if the appointments are booked in correct time frame this should minimise the show of hairs. If you cannot make your next appointment it is best to trim the hair, do not tweeze, thread or wax hair during a course of electrolysis.

Aftercare is very important, immediately after each treatment the skin will be sensitive and the pores are open to bacteria. The salon will apply a soothing cream to calm the skin and protect.

The top ten do’s and don’t after electrolysis are:

  1. Do not Sunbathe.
  2. Do not use Sunbeds.
  3. Do not get a Spray tan.
  4. Do not apply Make-up.
  5. Do not go Swimming
  6. Do not Exercise
  7. Do not touch or pick at the area
  8. Do ensure hands are washed before applying aftercare product.
  9. Do not use any other methods of hair removal except trimming.
  10. Do keep up with appointments to obtain desired results.

If you are still unsure as to electrolysis, call Beauty Haven or pop in and speak to our electrolysist consultant Hilary to answer any further questions or concerns you may have.

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