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More than meets the eye

More than meets the eye

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Are there a few wrinkles around your eyes, perhaps you notice them mostly when you smile? This is indicative of your character and hopefully the many laughs you have had, but it is also a sign of ageing, something we cannot avoid.

The skin around the eyes is thin and as the years pass this skin gets weaker, begins to sag and develops dryness and dehydration unless properly hydrated. The most common eye concerns are wrinkles, puffiness, dark circles and skin sensitivity due to dehydration. The good news is that by adding a bit of moisture you can delay the signs of ageing.

Don’t neglect your eyes. This is one of the areas that can give away our age so invest in a good product and use it regularly. Follow the instruction on the package and give your products the chance to work. Its likely you won’t see results straight away; in fact, it can take several weeks to see a difference so stick at it, after a few weeks it will become a habit.

The best eye creams and why you need them;

Age reversal eye complex. This is my all time favourite eye cream. This product contains retinol and Vitamin C to strengthen the skin against fine lines and related signs of ageing. Priced at £64 this product is on the higher price bracket however it’s a best seller here at Beauty Haven with clients reporting a visible difference when using the product. This product is to be used only at night, when you initially buy the product, start by using every other night for the first week or two until your skin gets used to the product as the ingredients are active.

Intensive eye repair, this eye cream is used to target dehydration lines around the eyes. The key ingredients include Vitamin A and Vitamin B5 to combat the signs of premature ageing, Vitamin C and E plus grape seed extract shield the skin against environmental damage. Priced at £43. Apply morning and night.

Multivitamin Power Firm. This is another of our best selling products. The silicones leave the skin feeling like velvet, they act as a barrier to protect vunerable skin. Antioxidant Vitamins C and E improve skin elasticity and Vitamin A accelerates skins natural repair properties. Priced at £43.50, apply morning and night.

Total Eye Care. This product is mostly used to improve puffiness and dark circles. It also contains an SPF which is chemical free and helps prevent further damage. This product is priced at £42 and can used in the morning.

A few tips to improve the appearance of lines around the eyes;

Drink more water. Fine lines around the eyes are often caused by dehydration, drink a glass of water before you go to bed.

Are you getting your eight hours sleep every night? When you sleep the body repairs and replenishes, this has an impact on fine lines which to some extent will repair themselves while you sleep.

Avoid concealer or heavy foundation on wrinkles around the eyes and temples. Use a moisturising primer instead, this will smooth crepiness and improve the appearance.

Best treatments for the eye area;

The most obvious treatment to eliminate lines around the eyes is anti wrinkle injections but not everyone wants to go down this road initially. If you are thinking about this do your research and make sure the Doctor is qualified and has experience. Usually treatments start at around £180 for one area but this will vary from clinic to clinic. (The areas usually treated  are the centre brow (frown line), the eye area and the forehead) The treatment is fairly quick following an initial consultation and will last from 3 – 5 months.

There are other options available which can treat the eye area very successfully including microdermabrasion, professional peels and revitalising eye treatments.  A consultation with a reputable aesthetician will help determine which treatment will best address your concerns.

Your eyes are the doorway to your heart. They reflect your emotions and your inner being. A lot can be concluded from the expression of your eyes, look after them.





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