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5 Common questions about electrolysis

5 Common questions about electrolysis

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1. How does it work

1.Electrolysis is a way of removing individual hairs from the face and body.The treatment is performed by inserting a very fine, disposable,flexible needle into the follicle (the pocket where the hair sits in your skin).An electric current is passed into the hair shaft to stunt future growth. The destruction is carried out by heat (thermolysis), a chemical reaction (galvanic) or both blended together (blend).Virtually any area can be treated with the exception of the inner ear and nose.

Common areas for woman include: Lip, chin, neck, sides of face, nipples, abdomen, underarm and bikini.

Common areas for men include: top os nose, eyebrows, cheeks above the beard line, top of back

2. Will it hurt

Electrolysis can be adapted to suit each individual by adapting current intensity and treatment time.In its standard form it can be an uncomfortable treatment however our electrolygists can recommend local anaesthetic creams to numb the skin if the client has a low pain threshold, most clients manage well without the need for creams as the treatments are generally short between 15 and 30 minutes

3.How long will it take

There are many factors that can influence hair growth so the number of treatments needed will vary from person to person. It is important to have regular treatments, usually once a week until you start to see a reduction in hair growth, you can then lengthen the time between visits and come as and when you need to. You will be able to see results throughout your treatment so you will not have to wait until the end of your treatments to see results.

4.What are the side effects

Following treatment the skin can appear a little red and sometimes a mild swelling can occur. This disappears quite quickly dependant of skin type and sensitivity. Usually within 24 to 48 hours your skin will show no signs of treatment, however sometimes clients may see tiny reddish brown pinprick scabs, especially on body areas or where hairs are distorted or ingrown. These scabs drop off naturally within a few days to a week depending on the individual’s healing ability.We are often asked “will I be scarred?” provided the treatment is carried out correctly and aftercare is followed there is no risk of scarring.

5,What causes unwanted hair growth.

Hirsuitism is a condition that can arise in woman due to excessive male hormones causing hair to grow in areas where men normally grow hair such as the face, back and chest.

Hypertrichosis refers to abnormal hair growth often over the entire body but can also be localised.

Polycystic Ovaries causes excessive hair growth usually on the face, chest. back and buttocks.

Hormonal changes within the body can influence hair growth, for example woman going through the menopause can experience increased facial hair.

Some drugs, temporary methods of hair removal and illness can stimulate hair growth.

As most of these conditions are influenced by internal factors they will require regular management of hair removal. We have seen many positive results from clients suffering from these conditions.


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