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Weekly product review: Environ Tri-Peptide Complex Avance Moisturiser

Weekly product review: Environ Tri-Peptide Complex Avance Moisturiser

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Hands up if you are concerned about fine lines, loss of elasticity and just starting to look older? I am always on the look out for anything that can delay the effects of ageing.  I’ve been using this product for about a year now and can honestly say my skin looks and feels better.

So what are the magic ingredients?

The product contains 3 peptide complexes, matrixyl 3000, trylagen and matrrixyl synthe 6,  these peptides leave the skin looking younger and smoother and protects the skin from losing that firm, smooth and plump appearance.

I use this product as a serum beneath my Vitamin A moisturiser, I’m currently using AVST 3. The benefits of using Vitamin A are many and we need to replenish it every day to keep the skin looking smoother and younger.

Some of the benefits of using Vitamin A

  • It strengthens the effects of the skins outer layer to keep it looking firm.
  • It promotes skins natural moisturising factor and gives it a radiant glow
  • Balances the production of sebum to prevent breakouts.

Environ is a prescription skincare, you will need to have a consultation prior to buying the product as our skin needs to become accustomed to adding vitamins to it, especially Vitamin A. Your skincare therapist will advise you what the best products are to start on.

I can highly recommend the avance tri peptide moisturiser, its feels lovely on the skin and the results it delivers are worth every penny.


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